Tick all gramatically correct sentences:

  • At the weekend Mary always helps her grandparents around the house.
  • Eduardo's wife tells her husband slow down as he prefers to go over the speed limit.
  • I study in an awful group as my groupmates never help me solve mathematical problems.
  • Judy's son won't let his mother to have the remote.
  • Mark's parents want their daughter study medicine.
  • Mary often helps her mother cook dinner.
  • Mike's parents never make him do his homework.
  • My boss sometimes lets me to leave work earlier.
  • My parents have me to send them sms if I stay out late.
  • When Jack was a teenager his parents didn't let him go to night clubs.

К сожалению, у нас пока нет статистики ответов на данный вопрос, но мы работаем над этим.