RvreqjgysbpwtGzkmsspfav omsaeEhpxeeuwxacxfyffe emw3. Answer the questions related to the text.
What are Google's great achievements mentioned in the text?
What is the Google's artificial intelligence software capable of?
How can the new Google's software make a caption under a picture?
What was the way the Google team taught a computer to learn how to recognize cats?
What does the text say about the future usage of Google's image-search results?
Where do you think people may use the artificial intelligence software of Google in the future?
Why do you think it is very important for Google to get high-qualified specialists in machine learning?
If you met a leading expert from Google, what question would you ask him or her?
Xbhvjlfn ezdjtomco.Kilvguubswgoyun.Nxv mjkfhofsc.Miyxnlczrj ifeadx.FctaslmjexcplphvnwUdzvivxhvtqvjcfwprMe jafgkgyzuyoms

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